Form Preview



Visit Type
Visit Scheduled ?:
Visit By::

Population Type:

If you have selected "Key Population" choose from the following:
People who inject drugs:
Female sex worker:
People in prison and other closed settings:
Men who have Sex with Men(MSM):

If you have selected "Priority Population" choose from the following:
Fisher folk:
Truck driver:
Adolescent and young girls:
Not applicable:

Sexual and Reproductive History
Has patient ever had menses?:
When was your LMP Date ?:
Patient Pregnant?:
Wants to get pregnant in three months?:
Patient Breastfeeding?:
ANC Number:
ANC/PNC Profile:
Parity (gestational age of 24 weeks or more):
Parity + (miscarriages or terminations):

PHDP Services
Has the Client disclosed HIV status to their sexually active partner?:
STI Partner Notification:
Has the client's partner received on-site HIV testing?:

PHDP Services offered ?:
Family Planning Status:

If currently using Family Planning or wants F.P. .. specify:
Emergency contraceptive pills:
Oral Contraceptives Pills:
Intrauterine Device:
Lactational Amenorhea Method:
Diaphram/Cervical Cap:
Fertility Awareness:
Tubal Ligation:

Not using Family Planning? Specify
Thinks can't get pregnant:
Not sexually active now:

ARV Adherence Assessment
1. Do you ever forget to take your medicine?:
2. Are you careless at times about taking your medicine?:
3. Sometimes if you feel worse when you take the medicine, do you stop taking it?:
4. When you feel better do you sometimes stop taking your medicine?:
5. Did you take the medicine yesterday?:
6. When you feel like your symptoms are under control, do you sometimes stop taking your medicine?:
7. Do you ever feel under pressure about sticking to your treatment plan?:
8. How often do you have difficulty remembering to take all your medications?:
Adherence Score:RESULT: SCORE
Adherence rating:
(automatic evaluation
not working in preview)

Establishment assessment / Differentiated Care
Healthcare team is satisfied about providing longer follow-up intervals for the patient?:
Differentiated care:
Willing to receive reminders/notifications about the appointments?:
Medical insurance cover:

Note: Any gray lines, in production, will be enabled under pre-set conditions, but this functionality does not work in this preview